Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault



The 30th Alliance offers training to partner agencies and community members to enhance learning on a variety of topics related to victim identification, response and prevention. Each training event is designed specific to the needs of participants with the intent to impact and strengthen systems of care.


Possible victim identification, response and prevention training topics include: 


  • The Dynamics of Power and Control in Intimate Partner Violence
  • Elder Abuse Awareness & Victim Centered Response
  • Children Exposed to Violence & Victim Centered Response
  • Veteran Outreach & Resources Available to NC Veterans
  • Assisting Victims with Disabilities
  • Immigration Relief Options for Immigrant Victims of Crime
  • Culturally Responsive Victim Services
  • Integrating Mental Health and Advocacy Services to address IPV
  • Trauma and the Brain
  • The 5 Bs of Trauma
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) 


The 30th Alliance also delivers evidence-based individual and group treatment services to victims of crime. All treatment services are trauma-informed and victim-centered. Partner agencies are invited to schedule introductory training with 30th Alliance staff to learn more about the modalities utilized:


  • Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) ® 
  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Parent-Child CARE (PC-CARE)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Animal Assisted Therapy/ Animal Assisted Interventions
  • Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)™
  • Seeking Safety
  • Mental Health First Aid ® 
  • Padres Efectivos
  • Familia Adelante © 


To schedule a training from the list above, or to inquire about other training opportunities with the 30th Alliance, please contact our main office at (828) 452-2122. 


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